Tips to Help Reduce the Time It Takes to Paint the Interior of Your Home
When you plan a painting project, you need to consider all of the time that will go into the project from start to finish. If you don't allow for enough time to get things done right, you'll end up with results that are rushed and less than perfect. Here, you'll find a few tips that can save you quite a bit of time as you paint the interior of your home.
Prep the Room
This is one step in painting that many people try to skip. Tape off the trim, remove the light switch and outlet covers, remove drapery hardware – anything that you don't want to get paint on must either be taped off or removed prior to painting.
Wash the surface down completely. Don't just wash the surface that you're working on. Clean the surfaces that connect to that surface as well. Washing the one surface while leaving the other surrounding surfaces dirty could cause dirt to fall into the paint, cobwebs to get entangled in your brush and just make a lot more work for you later.
Lay down floor protection. You can save a lot of time by covering the floor because you won't have to worry as much about dripping and splattering the paint on the floor. The easiest way to cover the flooring securely is to use the cling, plastic covering for floors. This will stick to the flooring until you remove it when the project is complete.
Skip the Daily Clean-Up
You don't have to spend a bunch of time washing brushes, rollers and trays. Instead, use these tips and you can continue using them until the project is complete and clean them once only.
Cover the roller tray with aluminum foil. If you press the foil firmly in place, you'll be able to use the tray as usual and when you're done for the day, just lift the foil out of the tray and throw it away.
When you're in need of a break or are quitting for the day, wrap your paint brushes and rollers with plastic wrap. Place them inside a box and set them in the refrigerator. When you are ready to get back to painting, you just have to remove the plastic wrap and get back to painting; no washing needed until you've completed the project.
If you don't have the time required to complete an interior paint-job correctly, talk with your local paint services company for assistance.